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I loved it, I need more of this game and to know more about Sasha please 😔🙏✨

He's so silly



(2 edits) (+9)(-1)

“A hopeless romantic all my life, surrounded by couples all the time, I guess I should take this as a SIGN~!

…To steal your stuff, ofc :)”

— Sasha

I like what I saw so far I just want to give him what he wants X3


Help me, I'm so attracted by how straightforward, shameless, and pathetic he is. Like, I do not regret the endings I got but now I'm extra curious just how far his eagerness goes in wanting the MC. Like, do we get to be subtly corrupted by Sasha because I gotta say, when I saw him and his actions, internally I went "Holy shit I want to fuck him up" despite me having *sparkles* Morals~.

Great lil demo, gave enough context but leaves a lil mystery. Very much looking forward the developing dynamics that'll happen!

such a lovely sweetie lol


nice game


God, what a creep... can't wait for more ;P 

Amazing game, I love Sasha 


This guy has no shame and is so honest 




So excited! Love so far, he's such a cutie!


Im so exited for the fullgame


ok I like this so far! tell me about what classes you mention


Mr Fishes, the creator of Courtin Cowboys and co-creator of Lovers Trophy, held some classes a while back teaching beginners how to create a simple visual novel style game in Renpy!


Hihi, I wonder how's the progress. i'll camp here ^-^


heyy i wanted to ask if when will come the full version and can u remind me if its online ?  i liked the game but could you maybe do more nsfw opinons ? (and maybe a censored picture)

There will DEFINITELY be more NSFW content in the full game lol, this is just a lil taste of Sasha! I've been on a bit of a hiatus, but I'm finally able to get back to work on the game!


yes. just. yes. 


Interesting game, would you make it more then a demo or will it remain a demo only?


I plan on filling it out and creating a full game at some point! I'll likely replace some of the art seen here as my skills improve, though. This is sort of a proof of concept for the project!


He's cute...if but a bit creepy.

...but cute. 

Can't wait to see the full game :3


Hehe, thank you!! He's definitely a bit creepy, I think people will really enjoy navigating his oddities in the full game